Table of Contents


The purpose of this annex is to organize existing personnel in Saline County and the communities therein, in such a manner that a damage assessment can be completed in a timely manner with results that will be consistent with federal and state guidelines.

It is necessary to


          Establish priorities for repair of public facilities and roads,


          Determine if outside assistance is necessary,


          Insure the safety of local residents, and


          Plan mitigation measures that will lessen the effect of future occurrences.




          Any of the identified hazards that could affect Saline County {See Basic Plan, Situation and Assumptions) have the potential for causing extensive public and private damage.


          A thorough damage assessment is essential before a community can:

Conduct effective emergency operations.

Recover from the effects of a disaster in a manner that will insure safety while minimizing the time required for the recovery.

Mitigate against future disasters.


          All disaster relief programs exist at the federal level; therefore, damage estimation will be completed following federal guidelines.


          Aviation support for damage assessment is available for Saline County (see Appendix 3 to Annex G).



          This annex and all procedures therein will be developed with the assistance of state personnel.


          Following a major disaster, federal and state personnel will be available to assist in the final damage estimation.


          A properly completed Damage Assessment will initiate legislation that can mitigate or lessen the effects of future disasters.




          Damage assessments in Saline County will be made by survey teams dispatched from the EOC.


          These teams will consist mainly of county/city officials and personnel, but also should include skilled persons from the private sectors (real estate agents, insurance agents, contractors, etc.).


          There are three types of Damage Assessments:

Those made before an emergency exists. These assessments are made every day by county and/or city employees or the man on the street. They simply indicate a certain potential problem exists and should be examined. It is the responsibility of each department head to recognize these and act accordingly.

Next are the damage reports that come in during actual emergency response operations. Again, they can come from government employees operating in the field or from private citizens. They are useful in allocating resources during the disaster and in prioritizing recovery operations after.

The third type is the assessment completed after the disaster. It is made by selected individuals (damage survey teams) and is important in developing recovery plans, seeking outside assistance, and mitigating future disasters.


          Communications support for the survey team will be provided by local law enforcement agencies (See Annex B). Other support will be required by the various emergency sections.


          When federal/state damage survey teams are working in Saline County, they will be accompanied by a member of the local damage survey team and/or a local official.


          There will be two damage surveys completed. One will be of private damage and the other will be for public (government) losses.

Actions to be taken by Operating Time Frames



          Participate in the hazard vulnerability analysis and identify potential hazard zones.


          Prepare damage assessment procedures and formats.


          Recruit and train damage assessment personnel.


          Identify and establish 1iaison with private individuals or companies who could provide assistance in Damage Assessment.


          Review communications procedures with Communications and Warning section.


          Maintain a file of maps and pre-disaster photos.


          Work to pass and enforce building codes that discourage development in hazard-prone areas.


          Review the Red Cross damage assessment procedures and guidelines.


          Conduct damage assessment drills, tests, and exercises.


          Review and participate in HAZMAT plans (See Annex H).


          Establish a code system (i.e. for structural damage, victim search, quarantine, etc.) to post on inspected buildings.


          Identify the types of disaster assistance available and the procedures for requesting it.



          Alert personnel of potential hazard.


          Insure that an adequate amount of maps and damage assessment forms are available.


          Review communications plans and procedures.


          Identify potential problem areas and report to Direction and Control.


          Review the potential hazards' effects.


          Maintain increased readiness status until response begins or the situation returns to normal.



          Activate enough damage assessment personnel to survey damaged areas in a timely manner.


          Deploy personnel to affected areas.


          Collect damage information and indicate damaged areas on maps.


          Maintain a list of damaged critical facilities requiring priority repairs.


          Develop public information releases on unsafe areas and report these to direction and control and the Emergency Public Information Officer.


          Assist in documenting emergency work performed.


          Support other emergency activities as much as possible as directed by Direction and Control.


          Prepare damage assessment forms for use in recovery phase.


          Display damage assessment information in the EOC.



          Post unsafe buildings and roads.


          Assist in establishing priorities for emergency repairs.


          Conduct private damage assessment.


          Conduct public damage assessment.


          Advise elected officials on requesting federal and state assistance.


          Accompany and assist federal and state damage assessment teams.


          Assist in preparing damage repairs reports to receive federal aid.


          Participate in recovery activities until the situation returns to normal.


          Participate in after-action reports and critiques.


          Incorporate changes in plans and procedures.


          Coordinate with the appropriate personnel inspections on critical facilities, evacuation routes, and airstrips.


Organizational Chart

The organizational chart for the damage assessment function is shown in Appendix 1 to this Annex.

Assignment of Responsibilities


          Overall coordination and operational control of the Damage Assessment section for Saline County will be the responsibility of the County Commission. Damage Assessment for the municipalities will be the responsibility of the chief elected official or his designee.


          Communications support for the Damage Assessment function will be provided by the local law enforcement agencies (See Annex B).


          Transportation support will be provided by the Resource and Supply section.


          Preparing recommendations from damage reports to mitigate the effects of future disasters will be the responsibility of the Emergency Management Coordinator.


          The Emergency Management Coordinator has the responsibility to participate in and support all the activities in this function.



          The heads of the Damage Assessment section are important members of the EOC Direction and Control staff. They will control operations from the EOC.


          All damage reports that come to the EOC will go through the Damage Assessment section for analysis and plotting.


          The HAZMAT section will also be a part of the Damage Assessment function, but due to their unique type of activity, there is a separate functional annex.



          The line of succession for the Saline County Damage Assessment Coordinator will be through the County Commission as explained in the Basic Plan, Section VI.


          The Damage Assessment section will control their operations from the affected area's EOC or, if relocated, from an alternate EOC.




          Damage assessment survey teams will consist of local government employees and designated private sector personnel when necessary (i.e., real estate, engineering, building trades, etc.). State, Federal, and volunteer agencies will provide support as appropriate.


          Required damage assessment report forms are referenced in Appendix 3 to this Annex.


          Records of actions taken and recommendations made will be compiled by appropriate county and/or city personnel in the EOC.


          Damage assessment information will be provided to the State Emergency Management Agency for necessary release to the Federal agencies.


All logistical requirements will be submitted to the Resource and Supply section with the exception of the communications requirements which will be submitted to the appropriate local law enforcement agencies.



          The Damage Assessment Coordinator is responsible for developing, maintaining, and updating this annex and its appendices.


          The Saline County Emergency Management Coordinator will instigate an annual review and updating.


Appendix 1 - Damage Assessment Organizational Chart

Appendix 2 - Disaster Damage Assessments (Handbook) (not included, separate manual for Coordinator)

Appendix 3 - Damage Assessment Forms

Attachment A- Local Situation Report

Attachment B - Disaster Assessment Summary

Table of Contents