Table of Contents


The purpose of this annex is to organize local fire fighting resources and establish procedures that will enable these resources to meet the demands of a disaster situation. Also discussed will be the additional duties of search and rescue, and hazardous materials incidents.




          Saline County is subject to many hazards that could present difficulties with regard to fire protection. (See Basic Plan, Situation and Assumptions).


          Saline County is supported by nine fire departments. There are six fire departments located within Saline County and three are located in adjacent counties. For a list of these departments and their resources, see Appendix 2 to this Annex.


          The fire departments primarily receive calls through their Police Department Dispatcher and/or fire phone. The Police Department in Slater also activates a pager system for their municipal fire department.


          Situations could arise that would hinder fire fighting capabilities or overwhelm local resources. Outside assistance (federal, state, or other local governments) is available should the need arise.


          In addition to fire suppression, the fire services are also responsible for search and rescue activities and hazardous materials response (limited).


          The north and east sides of Saline County are bordered by the Missouri River. Water rescue operations may be necessary. Resources include the Missouri State Water Patrol.


          The fire services provide support to other fire agencies through mutual aid agreements.



          Existing fire personnel and equipment should be adequate to deal with most emergency situations through existing mutual aid agreements with surrounding communities.


          Trained personnel and specialized equipment are somewhat limited, therefore, outside assistance could be required for certain situations that could arise (i.e., hazardous materials).


          Other county and/or city departments or agencies will respond to provide support as detailed in this plan.


          State and federal agencies will respond when necessary.


          Each fire department/district in the county will maintain the equipment and level of training necessary to perform the fire protection functions.


          If relocation is necessary, sufficient personnel will be available to assist law enforcement personnel with the movement and evacuation while at the same time providing fire protection.




          The primary task of the fire service is the same as its day-to-day mission, protection of persons and property from the threat of fire.


          Other important tasks of the fire service will be:

Deal with hazardous materials incidents and inform the decision-makers about the risks associated with hazardous materials, as well as the circumstances for using water, foams, etc., for extinguishing, diluting, or neutralizing hazardous materials.

Alert all emergency support services to the dangers associated with hazardous materials and fire during emergency operations.

Conduct search and rescue operations.


          In the attack mode, the fire service will:

Provide fire support to reception areas, if relocated.

Provide fire protection in shelters.


          Fire and rescue personnel and equipment will be deployed to the location of greatest need in the event of an emergency.


          In all cases the fire service will follow the Emergency Classification and Control Procedures outlined in Appendix 3 to the Basic Plan.


          The fire service will provide support as requested by other agencies as long as it does not affect the fire protection capability.


          Mutual aid agreements will be utilized to insure the best possible protection for all residents of Saline County.

Tasks to be Accomplished by Operating Time Frame



          Review the possible hazards (Basic Plan, Situation and Assumptions) to identify all emergency operations in which the fire service would play a major role.


          Following the hazard review, determine if any specialized equipment or training are required for fire and rescue personnel and volunteer augmentees to meet potential threats (hazardous materials, etc.).


          Develop fire safety programs, to include disaster situations, and present them to the public.


          Locate facilities that store or use hazardous materials, identify the materials and the problems each could cause. Maintain a map and list of these facilities.


          Identify facilities that could create special problems        such as nursing homes, hospitals and schools. (See Appendix 2 to Annex J.)


          Participate in tests, exercises, and drills to include those in support of other agencies.


          Develop and maintain mutual aid agreements with private area resources that could be useful for fire prevention or suppression.


          Develop SOG to meet projected needs.


          Review and update the annex and SOG at least annually. Call-up lists should be reviewed twice a year.


          Recruit and train auxiliaries.


          Maintain call up list of personnel, equipment, and contact numbers with surrounding fire and rescue organizations.



          Alert key personnel as per procedures set up in departmental call-up lists.


          Determine status of equipment.


          Analyze the type of emergency with regard to potential fire problem. Report to the EOC (Damage Assessment if they are activated).


          If fire service personnel and equipment are in a potential hazard area, take steps to provide protection (movement or shelter).


          Assist in the dissemination of warning to the public.


          Assist other departments in increased readiness activities as much as possible.


          Review plans and guidelines (SOG) for the potential threat, to include Appendix 3 to the Basic Plan, Emergency Classification and Control Procedures.


          Check status of supplies (fuel, water, first aid supplies, etc.).


          Maintain increased readiness status until the situation escalates or the decision to discontinue operations is given.



          Respond as required on a priority basis.


          Direct search and rescue operations for victims.


          Activate mutual aid if needed.


          Report damages observed to include potential problem areas.


          Coordinate activities with other agencies.


          Coordinate fire service response of departments responding from outside the jurisdiction.


          Alert or activate off-duty and auxiliary personnel as required by the emergency.


          If hazardous materials are involved, initiate hazardous materials plans to include possible evacuation, area control, and clean-up.


          Maintain emergency response status until the situation is under control or ordered to discontinue operations by the EOC.


          Provide first aid to disaster victims and workers.



          Participate in cleanup and Damage Assessment support (identifies structures damaged, people affected, etc.).


          Inspect damaged areas to insure fire safety.


          Develop after-action reports to include:

Actions taken

Materials expended

Personnel costs

Assistance received from and given to other agencies

Problem areas to include corrective measures


          Review plans and procedures with key personnel and make revisions and changes.


          Report on all activities to Direction and Control.


          Replenish supplies and repair damaged equipment.



The organizational chart for the fire and rescue function is shown in Appendix 1 to this Annex.

Assignment of Responsibilities


          Overall responsibility for fire protection lies with local government.


          Overall responsibility of coordination lies with the senior fire officer at the scene of the disaster within the affected area. If more than one locality or jurisdiction is affected, coordination is handled by the respective department or agencies' representative in the EOC.


          The Saline County Emergency Management Coordinator will coordinate hazardous materials plans.



          The chief of each fire department will be responsible for controlling fire operations within the defined boundaries of its jurisdiction.


          Operations will be controlled by the senior fire officer at the scene and/or from the EOC.


          Routine operations will be handled by normal SOG.


          Outside fire and rescue resources from other jurisdictions will be controlled by the procedures outlined in mutual aid agreements. They will remain under the direct control of the sponsoring agency but will be assigned by the EOC to respond as necessary.


Lines of succession for each department are contained in departmental SOG.




          Procedures for dealing with expenses incurred and liability for actions and injuries are outlined in mutual aid agreements, state laws, and local ordinances.


          Reports and records will be developed and maintained in accordance with established procedures.



          Fire and rescue services must provide necessary logistical support for food, emergency power, fuel, etc., for response personnel during emergency operations. In most situations, however, the Resources and Supply Section (Annex G) will be available to assist with supply matters.


          Stockpiles of essential materials and supplies and resource lists must be checked and updated at least twice a year.


          In a classified emergency, normal procurement procedures can be waived in accordance with local statutes and ordinances.


          Resource lists and mutual aid agreements are located in Appendix 2 to this annex.



          The Saline County Emergency Management Coordinator will be responsible for reviewing this plan and updating it on a yearly basis. The Director will also insure that each department updates their SOPs at the same time.


          This annex will be tested on a yearly basis with the resulting revisions and changes being made and distributed immediately.


          Each fire department chief will review and update the mutual aid agreements on a yearly basis. They will also be responsible for maintaining and updating the departments' resource and inventory lists.


Appendix 1 - Fire and Rescue Organizational Chart

Appendix 2 - Fire Department Resource List

Table of Contents