This annex assigns responsibilities and provides coordinated management of response activities, describes assessment procedures, checklists and reports necessary to gather data and evaluate information to determine the extent of damage and the impact upon the community resulting from hazardous materials incident.
Title III, the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986, Public Law 99-499.
• Saline County is situated in an area containing major truck, rail, and river routes, which are used for the transportation of hazardous materials. Interstate 70 is a major east-west route and U. S. Highway 65 is a major north-south route, MO highways 240, 41, and 20 are also major routes subject to carrying hazardous materials. The Union Pacific and Kansas City Southern railroads have routes through the County and are subject to hauling hazardous cargo. The Missouri River Borders most of the eastern county line as well as all of the northern county line and is a major shipping route and subject to hauling hazardous cargo.
• There are a number of businesses and industries in Saline County that either store or use hazardous materials in there daily operation. A listing of all fixed facilities is maintained in the CAMEO (Computer Aided Management of Emergency Operations) database located in the Marshall Fire Department, 471 West Arrow, Marshall, MO.
• Chemicals play an important role in the lives that we lead and contribute many important things to our world as we know it. However, some chemicals, due to their nature, pose the potential of danger to humans if not contained or controlled properly. Hazardous materials incidents generally occur with little or no warning.
• Due to the geographic outlay of the county, anticipated hazardous materials incidents could occur in directly proximity to railroads, major highways, river route, or to businesses utilizing or storing hazardous materials.
• At such time a hazardous materials incident occurs; property, persons, animals, and the environment need to be protected form potential exposure.
• If a hazardous material incident occurs, it may be necessary to recommend evacuation, sheltering, or other protective actions within the affected area.
Planning Factors
• When the need arises to deal with a hazardous materials incident, a sufficient number of properly trained personnel will be activated.
• The local community's will be able to satisfy its most immediate problem by utilizing its own resources.
• Meteorological information will be available through the National Weather Service or from KMMO radio station. This information will be used by the HAZMAT Response Team to determine evacuation zones, and any complication associated with the hazardous materials incident.
• Support Saline County Emergency Operations by assisting in the identification, response, and containment of a hazardous materials incident.
• To Develop and train a Hazardous Materials Response Team using available existing personnel from cooperating agencies.
Should a Hazardous Materials Incident occur within Saline County this Annex will be in effect immediately. The scope of the response will be determined by the size, type and location of the incident. Three types of hazardous materials incidents can occur within the boundaries of Saline County. They include fixed facilities, transportation and underground pipeline. Each has similarities and in general concepts are the same however, each type of incident must be addressed separately and the appropriate response implemented.
• Initial response to a hazardous materials incident will be by local officials. The first responder (agency) will make an assessment of the situation and classify the emergency as specified below and in Appendix 3 to the basic plan.
No evacuation other than from the immediate scene. This level of incident does not pose a chemical exposure hazard to the first responders in fire service using dermal and respiratory gear. Examples of Level I incidents are, minor releases of fuel from vehicular accidents, small releases of corrosives and illegally discarded chemical containers which are not in danger of releasing substances. |
An incident/accident involving a greater hazard or larger area which poses a potential threat to life or property and which may require a limited evacuation of the surrounding area. These incidents may require the use of special chemical protective gear to Level B. Examples of this level may be releases of significant quantities of volatile organics at fixed facilities or cargo tank releases in transportation. |
An incident / accident involving severe potential exposure for the responders or the general public. Mitigation may require a large-scale evacuation and the expertise or resources of private industry, state and federal governments. |
• Accidents within incorporated areas of the county are the responsibility of the municipality in whose jurisdiction the incident occurs. Responsibility and overall authority remains with the county in unincorporated areas.
• Cost of containment, removal, disposal, restoration and medical expenses as a result of a hazardous materials incident shall be borne by spiller. Claims for the recovery of damage, containment, removal or clean up, manpower and equipment cost, medical and other services will be submitted to the spiller. Departments and agencies involved in a hazardous materials incident are responsible for maintaining a complete and accurate record of all expenditures incurred for support of subsequent claims. Any enforcement activities required to reach settlement of payment from spiller will be conducted through the office of the County Prosecuting Attorney, or the Jurisdiction City Attorney
• Each department is responsible for the safety of its own personnel, including training in the dangers of hazardous materials, protective measure, and the provision of protective clothing and equipment.
Fixed Facility Incidents
• When an incident occurs at a fixed facility, there are usually qualified employees available to advise of chemical properties, handling, and cleanup procedure for the material(s) involved. Industrial and commercial facilities that handle hazardous material are required to have emergency response plans and trained responders. In addition, they may have equipment that could be made available during emergencies.
Transportation Incidents
• A transportation incident involving hazardous material could happen virtually at any time or place in Saline County. It is impossible to pre-plan for all types of transportation incidents. Hazardous material incidents are most likely to occur along Interstate 70, US highway 65, Highways 20, 240 and 41 and feeder streets and roads to the fixed facilities. An incident could occur on the many miles of railway and switching spurs as well as well as any point along the Missouri River. Since major highways and railways and River barges transport hazardous materials to and through Saline County, the probability of a Hazardous Materials Incident is very likely.
Notification and Response Procedures
• The communications officer receiving the initial notification via 911 or direct will notify the following personnel:
• The appropriate fire department that there is a possible hazardous material release and provide information on hazardous material notification.
• The Jurisdiction Chief of Police or the Saline County Sheriff
• The Emergency Management Coordinator.
• The highest elected official of the jurisdiction involved.
• Notify the ambulance service having jurisdiction and Fitzgibbon Hospital and / or I70 Community Hospital to standby.
• Notify the facility emergency coordinator. (see appendix 8 of Annex H)
• Notify the community emergency coordinator. (see appendix 7 of Annex H.)
• The Missouri Department of Natural Resources and the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the United States Coast Guard if the incident so warrants.
Initial Emergency Responders
• Initial responders to a hazardous materials incident should approach with extreme caution from upwind and upgrade. Observe from a safe distance, use binoculars if necessary. If possible, interview the driver, conductor/engineer, Captain, facility operator, employees etc., to determine the extent of the spill/release and identify material(s) involved.
• Isolate the area and avoid contact with material, fumes, dust, etc. If properly trained, use appropriate personal protective equipment; avoid committing personal and equipment to an unsafe situation. Identify all people who might have been injured or exposed, rescue injured persons without endangering the lives of the rescuers.
Incident Management System (IMS)
• The senior emergency response official responding to an emergency shall become the individual in charge of a site-specific Incident Management System (IMS). All emergency responders and their communications shall be coordinated and controlled through the individual in charge of the IMS assisted by the senior fire official present for each department as specified. (29CFR 1910-120)
• The "Senior Official" at an emergency response is the most senior official on the site who has the responsibility for controlling the operations at the site. Initially it is the senior officer on the first-due piece of responding emergency apparatus to arrive on the incident scene. As more senior officers arrive (i.e., fire chief, law enforcement official, site coordinator, etc.) the position is passed up the line of authority, which has been established.
• The individual in charge of the IMS shall identify, to the extent possible, all hazardous substances or conditions present and shall address as appropriate site analysis, use of engineering controls, maximum exposure limits, hazardous substance handling procedures, and any use of new technologies.
• Based on the hazardous substances and/or conditions present, the individual in charge of the ICS shall implement appropriate emergency operations, and assure that the personal protective equipment worn is appropriate for hazards to be encountered. However, personal protective equipment shall meet, at a minimum; the criteria contained in 29 CFR 1910.156(e) when worn while performing the fire fighting operations beyond the incipient stage for any incident.
• Employees engaged in emergency response and exposed to hazardous substances presenting an inhalation hazard or potential inhalation hazard shall wear positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus while engaged in emergency response, until such time that the individual in charge of the ICS determines through the use of air monitoring that a decreased level of respiratory protection will not result in hazardous exposures to employees.
• The individual in charge of the IMS shall limit the number of emergency response personnel at the emergency site, in those areas of potential or actual exposure to incident or site hazards, to those who are actively performing emergency operations. However, operations in hazardous areas shall be performed using the buddy system of groups of two or more.
• Back-up personnel shall stand by with equipment ready to provide assistance or rescue. Advanced first aid support personnel, as a minimum, shall also stand by with Medical equipment and transportation capability.
• The individual in charge of the IMS shall designate a safety official, who is knowledgeable in the operations being implemented at the emergency response site, with specific responsibility to identify and evaluate hazards and to provide direct ion with respect to the safety of operations for the emergency at hand.
• When activities are judged by the safety official to be an IDLH condition and/or to involve an imminent danger condition, the safety official shall have the authority to alter, suspend, or terminate those activities. The safety official shall immediately inform the Individual in charge of the IMS of the actions needed to be taken to correct these hazards at an emergency scene.
• After emergency operations have terminated, the individual in charge of the ICS shall implement appropriate decontamination procedures.
• When deemed necessary for meeting the task at hand, approved self-contained compressed air breathing apparatus may be used with approved cylinders from other approved self-contained compressed air breathing apparatus provided that such cylinders are of the same capacity and pressure rating. All compressed air cylinders used with self-contained breathing apparatus shall meet U.S. Department of Transportation and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health criteria.
Skilled Support Personnel
• Personnel, not necessarily a departments own employees, who are skilled in the operation of certain equipment, such as mechanized earth moving or digging equipment or crane and hoisting equipment, and who are needed temporarily to perform Immediate emergency support work that cannot reasonably be performed in a timely fashion by a departments own employees, and who will be or may be exposed to the hazards at an emergency response scene, are not required to meet the training required for the department's regular employees. However, these personnel shall be given an initial briefing at the site prior to their participation in any emergency response. The initial briefing shall include instruction in the wearing of appropriate personal protective equipment. All other appropriate safety and health precautions provided to the department's own employees shall be used to assure the safety and health of these personnel.
Specialist Personnel
• Personnel who, in the course of their regular job duties, work with and are trained In the hazards of specific hazardous substances, and who will be called upon to provide technical advice or assistance at a hazardous substance release incident to the individual in charge, shall receive training or demonstrate competency in the area of their specialization annually.
Training will be based on the duties and functions to be performed by each responder of an emergency response organization. The skill and knowledge levels required for all new responders, those hired after the effective date of this standard, shall be conveyed to them through training before they are permitted to take part in actual emergency operations on an incident. Employees who participate or are expected to participate, in emergency response, shall be given training in accordance with 29CFR1910-120 and the following paragraphs.
First Responder Awareness Level
First responders at the awareness level are individuals who are likely to witness or discover a hazardous substance release and who have been trained to initiate an emergency response sequence by notifying the proper authorities of the release. They would take no further action beyond notifying the authorities of the release. First responders at the awareness level shall have sufficient training or have had sufficient experience to objectively demonstrate competency in the following areas:
• An understanding of what hazardous substances are, and the risks associated with them in an incident.
• An understanding of the potential outcomes associated with an emergency created when hazardous substances are present.
• The ability to identify the hazardous substances in an emergency.
• The ability to identify the hazardous substances, if possible.
• An understanding of the role of the first responder awareness individual in the department's emergency response plan Including site security and control and the U.S. Department of Transportation's Emergency Response Guidebook.
• The ability to realize the need for additional resources, and to make appropriate notifications to the communications center.
First Responder Operations Level
First responders at the operations level are individuals who respond to releases or potential releases of hazardous substances as part of the initial response to the site for the purpose of protecting nearby persons, property, or the environment from the effects of the release. They are trained to respond in a defensive fashion without actually trying to stop the release. Their function is to contain the release from a safe distance, keep it from spreading and prevent exposures. First responders at the operational level shall have received at least eight hours of training or have had sufficient experience to objectively demonstrate competency in the following areas In addition to those listed for the awareness level and the department shall so certify:
• Knowledge of the basic hazard and risk assessment techniques.
• Know how to select and use proper protective equipment provided to the first responder operational level.
• An understanding of basic hazardous material terms.
• Know how to perform basic control, containment and/or conf1nement operations within the capabilities of the resources and personal protective equipment available with their unit.
• Know how to implement basic decontamination procedures.
• An understanding of the relevant standard operating guidelines and termination procedures.
Hazardous Materials Technician
Hazardous materials technicians are Individuals who respond to releases or potential releases for the purpose of stopping the release. They assume a more aggressive role that a first responder at the operations level in that they will approach the point of release In order to plug, patch or otherwise stop the release of a hazardous substance. Hazardous materials technicians will have received at least 24 hours of training equal to the first responder operations level and In addition have competency in the following areas and the department shall so certify:
• Know how to implement the Saline County Emergency Operations Plan and the department's standard operating guidelines.
• Know the classification, identification and verification of known and unknown materials by using field survey instruments and equipment.
• Know how to utilize the computer technology available through the Marshall Fire Department, (i.e., Computer Aided Management of Emergency Operations (CAMEO), Aerial Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres (ALOHA), and the Mapping Applications for Response and Planning of Local Operational Tasks (MARPLOT).
• Be able to function within an assigned role in the Incident Management System.
• Know how to select and use proper specialized chemical personal protective equipment provided to the hazardous materials technician.
• Be able to perform advance control, containment, and/or confinement operations within the capabilities of the resources and personal protective equipment available with the unit.
• Understand hazard and risk assessment techniques.
• Understand and implement decontamination procedures.
• Understand termination procedures.
• Understand basic chemical and toxicological termination and behavior.
Hazardous Material Specialist
Hazardous material specialists are individuals who respond with and provide support to hazardous materials technicians. Their duties parallel those of the hazardous materials technician, however, those duties require a more directed or specific knowledge of the various substances they may be called upon to contain. The hazardous material specialist would also act as the site liaison with Federal, State, Local and other government authorities in regards to site activities. Hazardous materials specialists shall have received at least 24 hours of training equal to the technician level and in addition have competency in the following areas and the department shall so certify:
• Know how to implement the Saline County Emergency Operations plan and the departments' standard operating guidelines.
• Understand classification, Identification and verification of known and unknown materials by using advanced survey Instruments and equipment.
• Know of the State Emergency response plan.
• Be able to select and use proper specialized control, containment, and/or confinement operations within the capabilities of the resources and personal protective equipment available.
• Understand In-depth hazard and risk techniques.
• Be able to perform specialized control, containment, and/or confinement operations within the capabilities of the resources and personal protective equipment available.
• Be able to determine and Implement decontamination procedures.
• Have the abi1ity to develop a site safety and control plan.
• Understand chemical, radiological and toxicological terminology and behavior,
• Know how to utilize the computer technology available through the Marshal1 Fire Department (i.e., Computer Aided Management of Emergency Operations (CAMEO), Aerial Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres (ALOHA), and the Mapping Applications for Response and Planning of Local Operational Tasks (MARPLOT).
On Scene Incident Commander
Incident commanders, who will assume control of the incident scene beyond the first responder awareness level, shall receive at least 24 hours of training equal to the first responder operations level and in addition have competency in the following areas and the department shall so certify:
• Know and be able to implement the department incident management system.
• Know and be able to implement the Saline County Emergency Operations Plan and the departments' standard operating guidelines.
• Know and understand the hazards and risks associated with employees working in chemical protective clothing.
• Know of the state emergency response plan and of the Federal Regional Response Team.
• Know and understand the importance of decontamination procedures.
Trainers who teach any of the above training subjects shal1 have satisfactorily completed a training course for teaching the subjects they are expected to teach, such as the courses offered by the U.S. National Fire Academy, or they shall have the training and/or academic credentials and instructional experience necessary to demonstrate competent instructional skills and a good command of the subject matter of the courses they are to teach.
Refresher Training
• Those employees who are trained In accordance with 29 CFR 910.120 shall receive annual refresher training of sufficient content and duration to maintain their competence, or shall demonstrate competency in those areas at least yearly.
• A statement shall be made of the training or competency, and if a statement of competency is made, the appropriate department shal1 keep a record of the methodology used to demonstrate competency.
Medical Surveillance and Consultation (M.F.D. Only)
• Members of an organized and designated HAZMAT team and hazardous materials specialists shall receive a baseline physical examination and be provided with medical surveillance as required by 29 CFR 1910.120.
• Any emergency response employees who exhibits signs or symptoms which may have resulted from exposure to hazardous substances during the course of an emergency incident, either immediately or subsequently, shall be provided with medical consultation as required by 29 CFR 1910.120.
Chemical Protective Clothing (M.F.D. Only)
• Chemical protective clothing and equipment to be used by organized and designated HAZMAT team members or to be used by hazardous material specialists, shall meet the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.120.
The following agencies are expected to cooperate and take an active part in responding to hazardous materials incidents. Each collect information concerning the incident; compile and distribute an after action report.
• Law Enforcement: Any time there is a response to a hazardous materials incident; the local law enforcement jurisdiction will be present and assist. Law enforcement personnel will be responsible for isolating the scene, restrict or re-route traffic, evacuating residents and/or employees, perform crowd control and other law en activities according to department SOGs. County law enforcement wi11 receive a minimum of Hazardous Material First Responder Awareness level (29CFR 1910-120).
• Fire Service: Will perform tactical duties; suppress and/or contain fire, identify hazardous materials without due risk of exposure, contain or prevent the spread of the materials released. Take necessary fire prevention, decontamination and other routine activities according to department SOGs, and level of training of department personnel. Each jurisdiction shall have a minimum of Hazardous Material First Responder Operations Level.
• Fire Department Response Team: The Fire Department response team will respond to all suspected hazardous materials incidents. The function of the Fire Department Response Team is to make recommendations and give assistance to the Incident Commander in the area of isolation, identification, evacuation, containment, and mitigation of hazardous materials incidents. They are not involved in major cleanup or transportation of hazardous materials. The Response Team Leader will consult with the team members to make decisions based on their training, experience and confidence level. It the incident is beyond their capabilities they will call for assistance from a list of technical support people or agencies, which are available to respond.
• Emergency Management Agency: This is the local agency which represents all cities and towns in the Hazardous Material Response Annex and as such will coordinate with other agencies in the jurisdiction to develop, update and maintain the Hazardous Material Response Annex. The Director and staff will activate the EOC If necessary. Act as the advisor to the elected officials in regard to safety measures to be taken for the protection of the public. Provide equipment for a forward command post upon request, collect information concerning the incident, compile and distribute an after action report.
• Elected Officials: To assess, evaluate and determine the best possible ways to save lives and property based on information provided to them by command level personnel. To authorize evacuation, evasive and preventive actions if necessary. To authorize the notification of state agencies, i.e., Missouri Department of Natural Resources, United States Environmental Protect ion Agency, State Emergency Management Agency, etc., authorize outside assistance if the hazardous materials incident is beyond local capabilities.
• Volunteer Agencies: Red Cross will provide shelter and food as needed. The Salvation Army may provide food, clothing and canteen as needed. Other volunteer agencies may be used on an as needed basis.
• County/City Public Works: The Saline County Highway Department and /or Street Departments from other communities will provide necessary heavy equipment, sand, gravel and other appropriate materials for building containment dikes, digging of collection ponds, etc., when requested by authorized authority.
• Medical Service: The ambulance service's personnel responding to a hazardous material incident will report to the Incident Commander for a briefing of the situation and make a quick assessment before any attempt to initiate rescue operations. EMS personnel will take every necessary precaution to avoid exposure and contamination before administering any life saving measure to victims. Victims will be removed from the hot zone to a decontamination zone, decontaminated, packaged, and handed out to a safe zone as quickly as possible without endangering the 1ives of rescue or EMS personnel. EMS personnel will prepare equipment for possible contamination control methods. Victims will be stabilized to the extent possible before transporting to a medical facility. EMS personnel will advise the medical facility that they are transporting contaminated victim(s) and for the facility to take protective measures and advise of their decontamination area. County EMS services will train and so certify their personnel to a minimum of Hazardous Material First Responder Awareness Level and at a later date train and certify personnel to operations level.
• Fitzgibbon Hospital and I70 Community Hospital: Upon receiving notification of delivery of contaminated victim(s) will set up an isolation area for further decontamination. Every precaution to minimize the exposure risk to hospital personnel will be taken including wearing of protective clothing if warranted.
• Media: The media is the first point of informing the public of the nature of an emergency and its impact on the community. The media has the right to know what is going on and to advise the public accordingly. This does not include the right to interfere with activities of those trying to handle and contain the emergency, nor does it include unpublished, unwarranted speculation. It is important that the public be informed immediately of as much factual data as possible to avoid rumors, panic and to project a positive attitude that their safety is not being neglected and measures are being taken to control the emergency.
• Public Information Officer: (see Annex C.) The Public Information Officer appointed by the Incident Commander will notify the local radio stations immediately of the incident and give instructions for the public to follow. To insure the safety of media personnel and equipment, access wi11 not be given to the incident area but an area will be designated in a safe area for news media where up-to-date reports will be given as often as possible. To insure all new releases are factual only the Public Information Officer or a designated elected official will release information to the media.
Fixed Facilities
• Designate Hazardous Materials Coordinator responsible for assisting in the preparation of this plan and for the preparation of compatible on site contingency plans and SOGs. These plans will include specific responsibilities, notification and emergency response procedures and available mitigation resources.
• Alert Saline County Sheriff's Office by 911 or 886-5511 and/or the appropriate Police Department in the event of a hazardous materials incident. The facility emergency coordinator or person notifying of emergency will provide the dispatcher with all the necessary information required in appendix 3 to annex H. Also provide safe routes of entry into the site for local emergency responders.
• Provide technical support as requested in the development of off-site risk assessments and contingency planning.
• Provide support to the Incident Commander at the Command Post during an incident.
• Provide personnel, technical expertise and equipment support; and participate in chemical hazard exercises, drills, and other training activities.
• Initiate notification of a chemical release incident, and provide information to the appropriate officials/agencies as specified In the Super fund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA).
Pipeline Industry
• Responsible for a plan that outlines the general actions and establishes the policies to be followed in the event of a chemical release incident.
• The company's Hazardous Materials Coordinator will contact each site and direct the company's mitigation activities and support off-site efforts during any chemical release emergency.
• Provide technical guidance, personnel and hardware to support the comprehensive training and exercise program directed by the LEPC.
Rail and Highway Hazardous Materials Carriers
• Develop a chemical incident emergency response plan.
• Maintain a response capability in the event of a hazardous material incident involving their stock.
• Provide technical assistance, personnel and resources to the Incident Commander to mitigate incident(s) involving their stock or property.
• Provide proper identification of all hazardous materials carried.
• Provide technical expertise, personnel, and hardware to support the training and exercise program of the LEPC.
• Provide a useful list of major hazardous material commodities shipped, and periodically update this list.
State and Federal Support
• Planning, training and on-site assistance are available through state and federal agencies. Details of these resources and methods of acquisition are described in the State Emergency Response Commission Chemical Emergency Plan.
• Notification of releases to state and federal agencies is the responsibility of the person or organization releasing regulated chemicals.
• Access to State resources for support during an incident/accident is through the Incident Commander or as specified in the Saline County EOP, Appendix 4 to the Basic Plan.
• The responsibility for selecting and implementing the appropriate countermeasures is assigned to the Incident Commander in coordination with appropriate technical resources.
• The spiller is responsible, according to state and federal law, for the costs of all cleanup and countermeasures. The local Health Department, in conjunction with requested state and federal resources, is responsible for determining these measures and monitoring the cleanup and disposal of contaminated materials.
• The Incident Commander is responsible for monitoring the response activity to ensure that appropriate containment and control measures are implemented. Containment and control measures may include but are not limited to;
Dikes |
Berms and drains |
Trenches and pits |
Booms |
Barriers in soil |
Stream diversion |
Patching and plugging of containers and vessels |
Over packing of leaking containers |
Portable catch basins |
Reorientation of containers |
Hydraulic and mechanical dredging |
Excavating |
Skimming or pumping |
Dispersion or dilution |
Vacuuming |
• Treatment of released hazardous chemicals can be physical, chemical or biological in nature. Treatment operations are the responsibility of the operator. State and federal technical resources are readily available to provide technical assistance on selection or overview of treatment activities.
• The Initial assessment of a release incident should be performed by the fixed facility operators. It should be recognized that industrial capability to access the situation may be supported by in-depth knowledge of the chemicals, facility and environmental effects. The fixed facility is responsible for damages resulting from the release and should provide timely and accurate information on a release situation.
• The local jurisdiction, in conjunction with state and federal experts, is in charge of managing restoration efforts.
• Treatment of contaminated soils or waters is the responsibility of the spiller.
• Off site transportation for storage, treatment or disposal may be provided by the spiller subject to state and federal regulations.
• The Hazardous Material Annex, as it is now written, should be considered only a STARTING POINT. It is important that it be kept as up to date as possible. The Saline County Emergency Management Coordinator in conjunction with the LEPC members is responsible for the maintenance of the Hazardous Materials Annex. The Coordinator is also responsible for ensuring that changes to the annex are prepared, coordinated, approved and distributed.
• The Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) will aid in the review and update of this annex as needed and at a minimum of once a year.
The Hazardous Material Annex will be tested through drills and exercises a minimum of once a year through participating with local jurisdictions and agencies, as well as through actual occurrences. Critiques will be held and corrective actions will be identified and added to the annex as needed.
Appendix 1 - Response Agencies for Hazardous Materials Incidents |
Appendix 2 - Transportation Routes |
Appendix 3 - Fixed Facilities with Hazardous Substances |
A list of facilities with hazardous substances is kept on file with the Saline County LEPC. |
Appendix 4 - Fixed Facilities with Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS) |
A list of fixed facilities with extremely hazardous substances is kept on file with the Saline County LEPC. |
Appendix 6 - Proposed Exercise Schedule |
Appendix 7 - Proposed Training Schedule |