Appendix 2 to Annex C
• Name, address, and telephone number of the news release initiator.
• Text of the news release.
• Substantiating records for the release.
• Date and time received.
• Date and time released.
• How and to whom the news release was issued.
Release Procedures
• Verify the authenticity of the information contained in the release.
• Verify that a duplicate release has not already been made.
• Prepare the release in the format listed above.
• Determine if the information contained in the release is in the public interest and will not create unwarranted or unnecessary fear, anguish, or other adverse reactions among the public. However, news releases will not be withheld simply to avoid political or public official embarrassment should the situation so warrant.
• News releases will be distributed fairly and impartially to the news media.
• Copies of all news releases will be filed chronologically.
• Copies of all news releases will be furnished to the rumor control section.