Appendix 2 to Annex G


Table of Contents

A resource inventory of the personnel, equipment, and services available for emergency operations in Saline County are identified under each functional annex as follows:

Communications and Warning - Appendix 2, Annex B

News Media - Appendix 4, Annex C

Law Enforcement Resources - Appendix 2, Annex E

Fire Department Resources - Appendix 2, Annex F

Public Works:

County Highway Public Works Resources - Appendix 2, Annex I.

Utility Companies - Appendix 3, Annex I


Reception and Care Shelters (Natural Hazards), assigned according to need.

Reception and Care Resources - Appendix 2, Annex L

Health and Medical Services - Appendix 1, Annex M

Resource lists will be added to the Saline County EOP as they become available. These lists will be maintained by the County Emergency Management Coordinator. Resource lists not included in this EOP will be kept on file with the Director.