To establish means and methods for the most reasonable and proper care and handling of the dead in multi-death situations. The Missouri Mortuary Response Team (MoMORT) is responsible for aiding the County Coroner in the recovery, evacuation, identification, sanitation and preservation (such as embalming, if necessary), notification of the next of kin, and facilitating means for release of the identified dead to the next of kin or their agent.
Upon the event of a disaster of any nature which has caused multiple deaths, the following persons should be notified immediately, preferably in the order shown below, but not limited to this order of priority.
Emmit Williams, Saline County Emergency Management Director Saline County Sheriff's Department 1915 W. Arrow Marshall, Mo. 65340 |
(660) 886-5511 (office) (660) 886-0013 (cell) E911 for emergency notification |
Tony Day, Marshall Fire Chief and Assistant SC EMD Marshall Fire Department 471 W. Arrow Marshall, Mo. 65340 |
(660) 886-3312 (office) E911 for emergency notification |
Willie Harlow Saline County Coroner 226 S. Odell Marshall, Mo. 65340 |
(660) 886-5511 (Saline County Sheriff's Department) (660) 831-5700 E-911 for emergency notification |
Kile Guthrey Presiding Commissioner Saline County Commission #1 Arrow Street Marshall, Mo. 65340 |
(660) 886-7777 (office) E-911 for emergency notification |
One of the above persons will immediately notify SEMA.
All disaster workers must have in their possession the necessary identification card or pass, etc., as developed by the County Emergency Management Director or responsible official to gain admission into the immediate disaster site area. These workers and members of the Missouri Mortuary Response Team (MoMORT) will be required to register their name and address at the EOC or area designated for such purpose.
• None of the dead shall be moved or touched by workers until approval has been given by the Saline County Coroner.
• Operations will be coordinated by the Saline County Coroner and the Missouri Mortuary Response Team (MoMORT).
• A survey and assessment of the situation will be made by the Saline County Coroner and the Missouri Mortuary Response Team (MoMORT). They will note the approximate number of dead and amount of personnel and equipment needed.
• Once workers have reported to the scene, a briefing will be held, assignments given, and workers will be divided into teams if necessary.
• Photos or a sketch will be made of the disaster site, and if desired the scene will be divided into sections, with the recovery teams assigned to particular sections.
• Suitable stakes or markings will be placed at the location of each body and numbers will be assigned to each body.
• Bodies will be tagged and records kept noting the location in which the body was found. (This tag numbering system will be developed by the Saline County Coroner.)
• Personal effects of the dead will be tagged and data recorded noting the location found.
• When necessary, bodies will be placed in a body pouch and a tag with corresponding numbers will be placed on the pouch.
• Valuables such as wallets, attached jewelry, etc., will not be removed at the disaster site. These will remain on the body.
• Bodies will be removed from the immediate disaster site via litter or stretcher into a designated area.
• The major support group for this recovery task will be members of the Missouri Mortuary Response Team (MoMORT).
• Evacuation operations will be coordinated by the Saline and the Missouri Mortuary Response Team (MoMORT).
• A survey and assessment of the situation will be made by the Saline County Coroner and the Missouri Mortuary Response Team (MoMORT). They will note the approximate number of dead, type of terrain, necessary personnel and equipment needed.
• Before operations begin, a briefing will be held, assignments given and teams formed if desired.
• Bodies will be covered when transported.
• All vehicles used for transport will be covered, except when not possible.
• Vehicles should travel the same route from disaster site to morgue site. This route will be established in coordination with local traffic control agencies.
• Vehicles should travel at a moderate pace and in convoy style.
• Records will be kept noting vehicle ID and body tag number, as well as driver ID.
• Evacuation teams will take care not to overload the morgue site with incoming bodies.
• The major support group for this task will be the Missouri Mortuary Response Team (MoMORT).
• A list of possible morgue sites will be maintained for use in the event of a disaster.
• Once a morgue site has been selected, the Saline County Coroner and the Missouri Mortuary Response Team (MoMORT) will organize their operations and assign personnel to some or all of the following job titles: uniformed guards, information clerks, counselors, interviewers, telephone communicators, admissions clerk, general supervisor, ID personnel, orderlies, personal effects custodian, embalming supervisor, embalmers, secretaries, inventory clerk, distribution clerk, etc.
• The morgue site will be used for the storage, identification, sanitation, preservation if desired, as well as the distribution point for release of the dead to their next of kin or their agent.
• Refrigeration units will be utilized as necessary.
• Bodies admitted to the morgue will be logged and necessary information gathered and recorded about each body.
• Personal effects will be recorded and placed in a secure area.
• Should embalming be necessary, the Saline County Coroner will rely on the Missouri Mortuary Response Team (MoMORT) to organize the operations, equipment, supplies, and personnel needed.
• An area will be designated for the press.
• Counselors such as members of the clergy will be present in waiting areas to assist persons visiting the morgue.
• The Saline County Coroner will arrange for the necessary equipment and staff to accomplish this task. The members of the Missouri Mortuary Response Team (MoMORT) will be at his/her disposal to be of assistance where needed.
• The Saline County Coroner, with the assistance of the Missouri Mortuary Response Team (MoMORT), will determine the most practical method to be utilized in contacting the next of kin. Every effort will be made to lessen the extreme psychological impact on the families of those dead. The nature and scope of the disaster will determine what methods will be used.
• The Saline County Coroner and the Missouri Mortuary Response Team (MoMORT) will keep listings of local clergy and/or responsible persons trained in counseling with grieving survivors. These persons will be asked to report to the waiting area of the morgue site to assist families who visit the morgue site. Phone counselors will also assist persons calling the morgue site. Efforts will be made to keep families of the dead posted as to what is taking place and information will be released to them as best possible.
• Once the body has been positively identified, the next of kin will be contacted with this confirmation. At this point, the Saline County Coroner or Missouri Mortuary Response Team (MoMORT) personnel will coordinate the release of the body to the next of kin or their agent. All efforts will be made to cooperate with the receiving agent or family. However, the nature and scope of the disaster may require policies that may appear unfair or delayed. These policies may be necessary for the smooth flow of operations at the morgue site. All policies will be made or approved by the Saline County Coroner before being implemented.
• In situations where there are UNIDENTIFIED dead, the Saline County Coroner will make the decision about their disposition. Mass burial may be necessary and location of burial sites will be determined at the time. It is suggested, however, that cremation not be utilized as later identification and exhumation may be practical and necessary. Records will be kept of burial locations and the body tag number will be interred with the body to make later efforts of identification easier.
• After the disaster cleanup operations are completed, efforts will be made to return donated equipment and supplies. Cleaning and sanitizing of the morgue site will be necessary. Records compiled during the operations will be arranged in some type of systematic order and efforts will be made to preserve and store these records for future use if necessary.
• The Saline County Coroner will compile lists pertaining to mortuary services. This information will be furnished to the Emergency Management Director, who will incorporate it into the County resource file.