Appendix 3 to Annex O

Tier Response Actions

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Actions following a catastrophic event (earthquake) are as follows:

Affected Tier


          Immediate assessment should be conducted to ascertain injuries and medical system status (i.e. functioning hospitals, clinics, ambulances)


          Initial injury and damage assessments will be forwarded to the State Emergency Operations Center.


          A coordinated response will be achieved by mobilizing resources through the local emergency operations center.


          Points of Distribution Sites (PODS) will be identified by local jurisdictions for the distribution of commodities to the affected population.


          See Appendix 5 to this annex for local staging area designations.


          A Local Unified Command EOC will be established. See Appendix 6 to this Annex for organizational structure.


          State Area Coordination Centers will be established for Regions C and E. When the Area Coordination Centers become functional the local emergency operations organizations will coordinate response with their respective region's state area command.


          Any locally coordinated evacuation will be conducted in coordination with the state's Evacuation Management Team.


          The priority of movement is for responders into the affected area and movement of victims with life threatening conditions out of the affected area.


          The Local Unified Command will designate a Local Net Control Station (LNCS) to coordinate radio traffic and frequency allocation. This will be coordinated with the Regional Net Control Station (RNCS), located at a State Area Coordination Center. See Appendix 7 to this Annex for a sample communications plan form.

Initial Response Tier


          Immediate assessment should be conducted to ascertain available resources that could be deployed to affected regions.  This information should be forwarded to the SEOC using the form shown in Appendix 8 to this Annex.


          Assessments should be done to determine medical surge capacity to support critical patient evacuation from the affected tier.


          A coordinated response will be achieved by mobilizing resources through the state emergency operations center.


          All activated response elements must report to assigned staging areas upon mobilization. All response to affected areas will be deployed from designated staging areas.


          Discipline specific staging areas will be established for initial response tier resources. See Appendix 5 to this Annex.


          Responders should report equipped for operation and be self-sufficient for up to 96 hours. Initial responders should be prepared for a deployment period of 14 to 28 days.


          The concept of operations for a voluntary evacuation of the affected tier is to move the affected population through the initial response tier to the support tier of the state.


          To facilitate evacuation, local jurisdictions will identify, establish, and support emergency rest area sites in coordination with the state's Evacuation Management Team. Emergency rest area sites will be designed to distribute information, emergency medical treatment, fuel, food and water to the evacuating population as they pass through to the support tier of the state. See Appendix 10 to this Annex.


          Response from the Initial Response Tier will be coordinated through the State Unified Command.


          State Area Coordination Centers will be established for Regions C and E. Responding resources from the Initial Response Tier will be assigned to a State Area Coordination Center.


          The State Area Coordination Centers will assign missions to their respective responding resources.


          The priority of movement is for responders into the affected tier and movement of victims with life threatening conditions out of the affected tier.

Support Tier


          Immediate assessment should be conducted to ascertain resources that could be used to support mass care of the evacuated population from the affected tier. This information should be forwarded to the State Emergency Operations Center using the form shown in Appendix 8 of this Annex.


          Assessments should be done to determine medical surge capacity to support critical patient evacuation from the affected tier.


          Assessments should be conducted to prepare for mass care of the evacuated population and special needs population.


          Mass care and support of deployed resources are the primary function for the support tier.

          Response enhancement and replenishment will be drawn from the support tier.


          Support Tier jurisdictions will activate sites to support mass care of the evacuated population.


          Any Response from the Support Tier to the Affected Tier will be coordinated through the State Unified Command.


          State Area Coordination Centers will be established for Regions C and E. Responding resources from the Support Tier will be assigned to a State Area Coordination Center.


          The State Area Coordination Centers will assign missions to their respective responding resources.


          Any evacuation will be conducted in coordination with the state's Evacuation Management Team.

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