Appendix 7 to Annex J
Provide for the orderly and coordinated evacuation of people from those areas of Saline County, which are vulnerable to slow developing flooding and flash flooding.
• Saline County is vulnerable to a wide range of atmospheric conditions that produce weather that is variable and subject to rapid change.
Flooding has historically posed problems for many parts of Saline County and several of
its communities.
• Saline County is composed of the several water systems, the more prominent of which are the Missouri and Blackwater Rivers.
Saline County is also vulnerable to flooding resulting from dam failure or an uncontrolled
release of water from the many dams located throughout the area. Appendix 5 to the
Basic Plan contains more information on dams located in Saline County.
• Floods are generally caused by rainstorms lasting several days and moving northeastward across the area and occur frequently from January to May.
Floods may occur as two distinct types of flooding or may occur singly or in combination.
The types are commonly referred to as backwater and headwater flooding.
Local authorities will take immediate steps to warn and evacuate citizens, alleviate
suffering, protect life and property, and commit available resources before requesting
assistance from the next higher level of government.
• The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is in effect in Saline County and several of the communities.
• Saline County and the communities of Emma, Marshall, Slater and Sweet Springs are participating in the regular flood program. Flood insurance is available for persons in these jurisdictions.
Flood maps are available for Saline County and the communities of Emma, Marshall and Sweet Springs. These flood maps delineate the flood areas and thus show where evacuation would be likely should unfavorable weather conditions persist. |
The City of Slater had their flood map rescinded because of no special flood hazard area. |
• The communities of Malta Bend and Miami have flood maps available, which show the flood areas. These jurisdictions do not participate in the flood insurance program and are under federal sanction. Therefore, in the event of a flood, Malta Bend and Miami would be excluded from receiving certain assistance.
• Due to the quantity and size of flood maps available for the Saline County and the municipalities, they are not reproduced in this plan. Copies of the County flood maps are available through the County Commission in the Courthouse. Copies of the maps for the various municipalities are available in the respective community's City Hall.
Receive warning
The National Weather Service, through a monitoring and warning system, is able to give advanced notice of gradual flooding hours and even days before it results in serious loss of life and property. |
The National Weather Service also may issue a Flash Flood Watch which means heavy rains may result in flash flooding in a specified area. Residents should be alert and prepared for the possibility of a flood emergency which may require immediate action. |
The National Weather Service also may issue a Flash Flood Warning which means flash flooding is occurring or is imminent in a specified area. Residents should move to safe ground immediately. |
Notify public
• It is the joint responsibility of the National Weather Service and/or the local government entity to issue a warning via radio, television, etc. Early warning, if possible, would enable those in flood hazard areas to move or safeguard their property, thus simplifying evacuation should it become eminent.
• Designate the flood hazard area to be evacuated. Use the flood hazard maps for street description and to determine areas to be evacuated.
• Establish a perimeter security. The purpose is to limit access to looters and sightseers, but to allow egress by victims.
• Establish shelter areas/relief services for victims. It must be decided when to open such facilities and where they should be located. Location of shelter areas and assistance in the form of food and clothing could be supplied by the Ministerial Alliance, Red Cross, etc.
• Notify affected persons. If early warning is not effective, all remaining persons within the designated flood area must be contacted. This is best accomplished on a door-to-door basis, loud speakers on patrol cars, or government-manned telephones. A method to record location of visits, times, dates, and results of attempted visits should be devised. (See Appendix 5 to this Annex.)
• Return of flood victims. Once the flood waters recede, a public information program should so inform the evacuees when to return, what to expect upon return (i.e., how to turn the utilities back on, how to purify water, etc.) and of services being offered by local government, such as pumping basements and debris removal. Also, local government would warn of other related hazards so persons would be alert to changes in their environment.