Appendix 4 to the Basic Plan


Table of Contents


Assistance from State and / or Federal agencies such as the Department of Conservation, Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, etc. can be requested directly by calling the appropriate agency (see each Annex of this plan for specific agencies and their contact points).  State and / or Federal assistance may also be requested through the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA).

SEMA Notification


          SEMA has a 24-hour telephone number to request assistance in a disaster or emergency: 573-751-2748.

Business hours: Your call will be answered by personnel on duty in the EOC.

Non-business hours: Leave your name and a call back number. Your call will be returned by the Duty Officer.


          SEMA provides Missouri WebEOC at . This resource provides information sharing and resource request tracking during emergencies, disasters, significant events and daily operations. WebEOC provides the opportunity for leadership at all jurisdictions to work with a common operating picture and real time situational awareness of events affecting their region and the state.

(Added September 2015)


          If the telephone lines are down, the Duty Officer can still be contacted. The Missouri State Highway Patrol can relay the information to Troop A in Lee’s Summit by radio. During working hours, the Missouri Uniform Law Enforcement System (MULES) can also be used to transmit messages to the MULES terminal in the State Emergency Operations Center.


General Facts


          Requests for such assistance can only be made by the chief elected official or designated successor as outlined in this plan (see Basic Plan, Continuity of Government).


          Requests should only be made after local resources are exhausted.


          The State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) should be informed prior to making such a request.



          Analyze the situation to determine:

If threat to life or property still exists.

To insure all local resources are committed.


          Make the request directly to the Governor through SEMA by the quickest means possible. If the telephone or radio is used, a hard copy should follow.

Table of Contents