Attachment B to Appendix 5 to the Basic Plan
• Dam Failure is defined as downstream flooding due to the partial or complete collapse of any impoundment.
•Dam failure is associated with intense rainfall and prolonged flood conditions. However, dam breaks may also occur during dry periods as a result of progressive erosion of an embankment caused by seepage leaks. Dam failure may also be caused by earthquake.
•The greatest threat from dam breaks is to areas immediately downstream. The seriously affected population would be located in the potential downstream inundation area as identified by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or state agencies.
•The Missouri Department of Natural Resources' Dam and Reservoir Safety Division maintains a state wide inventory of dams. This inventory is also given to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, who maintains a national inventory of dams. Some of the dams that are on the state list do not meet the national criteria, and thus, are not put on the national inventory. Addendums 1 ( Dam Inventory ) and 2 ( Dam Locations ) to this attachment show dam information for Saline County which was taken from both the state and national dam inventories.