Attachment B to Appendix 2 of the Basic Plan
The following is a basic list of tasks assigned to each function. These task assignments are common to both county and city organizations. Specific tasks are listed in the appropriate Annex.
• Direction and Control (Annex A), County Commission, Mayors
Make policy decisions relating to emergency management. |
Plan for emergency management activities. |
Oversee hazard mitigation activities. |
Control operations during disasters. |
Coordinate and direct relief and recovery operations. |
Coordinate emergency management activities. |
Maintain an exercise program. |
Supervise the emergency public information function. |
Maintenance of current capabilities |
•Communications and Warning (Annex B), Sheriff, Municipal Police
Monitor all emergency situations to insure proper response. |
Train personnel (full-time and supplementary). |
Support all other emergency functions when needed. |
Develop warning plans and procedures for all identified hazards (see Basic Plan, Situation and Assumptions). |
Maintain and expand warning and alert devices (sirens, tone-activated receivers, etc.). |
Developing and maintaining communications plans and procedures. |
Training sky-warn spotters. |
Develop dissemination procedures with communications. |
Participate in drills, tests, and exercises. |
Update and change plans as necessary. |
• Emergency Public Information (Annex C), Emergency Management Coordinator
Pre-designate an information officer which will be the point of contact for the media during disaster situations (see Appendix 3 to Annex C for a terrorist incident). |
Develop provisions with the various departments to coordinate the release of public information. |
Develop procedures for rumor control and information authentication. |
Clear information with the chief elected officials and incident commander (as appropriate) before release to the public. |
Use all news media for the release of information. |
Maintain and release as appropriate EPIs for all identified hazards. |
Conduct annual programs to acquaint news media with emergency plans. |
Participate in tests, drills, and exercises. |
Revise and update plans as necessary. |
• Damage Assessment (Annex D), County Commission
Maintain plans and procedures consistent with those of the state and federal government. |
Recruit and train personnel. |
Provide disaster information to Direction and Control. |
Assist federal and state officials in damage estimation. |
Assist in mitigation activities by identifying potential problem areas. |
Participate in drills, tests, and exercises. |
Change and update plans as necessary. |
•Law Enforcement (Annex E), County Sheriff, Municipal Police
Maintain law and order during emergency operations. |
Provide necessary support during emergency operations (i.e., site security, access control, traffic control, EOC security, etc.). |
Provide and/or support communications and warning. |
Lend support to fire, medical, hazardous materials and other emergency services as dictated by the situation. |
Coordinate with other law enforcement groups. |
Implement and/or continue training courses for auxiliaries and reserves. |
Develop, maintain, and update plans and guidelines as necessary. |
Participate in drills, tests, and exercises. |
•Fire and Rescue (Annex F), Fire Departments
Control fires during emergency operations. |
Conduct fire prevention inspections. |
Assist with search and rescue operations. |
Support health and medical, communications and warning, and traffic control. |
Respond to hazardous materials incidents. |
Maintain, develop, and update plans and guidelines as required or conditions change. |
Conduct training courses in self-help fire prevention techniques, as well as, fire prevention inspections. |
First responder medical care. |
Participate in drills, tests, and exercises. |
•Resource and Supply (Annex G), County Commission
Maintain and update resource lists of supplies and personnel for use in disaster situations. |
Identify potential resource requirements. |
Develop plans and procedures to insure adequate resources are available during or after a disaster to include the relocation of such resources following an evacuation. |
Identify resource shortfalls and methods by which they can be alleviated. |
Develop emergency shelter stocking plans. |
Participate in drills, tests, and exercises. |
Update plans as required or as local conditions change. |
•Hazardous Materials Response (Annex H), Fire Departments
Develop/maintain hazard analysis. |
Provide initial hazard assessment to response personnel and the general public. |
Lead the initial environmental assessment. |
Prescribe personnel protective measures. |
Issue public warning. |
Establish an on-scene command post. |
Determine when reentry is possible. |
Provide response personnel (i.e., law enforcement, fire, public works, health and medical) with the appropriate level of hazardous materials training. |
Work with nearby hospitals to insure procedures are available to handle contaminated patients and to decontaminate and isolate such patients. |
Maintain a peace-time radiological accident capability. |
Maintain the inventory of radiological equipment from the state. |
•Public Works (Annex I), County Commission, County Highway Supervisor
Remove debris from public right-of-way and dispose of garbage. |
Make emergency road and bridge repairs. |
Restore utility service, especially to critical facilities. |
Assist with flood control and emergency snow removal. |
Gather damage assessment information. |
Provide necessary support to other departments (i.e., heavy equipment, barricades, etc.). |
Participate in tests, drills, and exercises. |
Update and change plans as required. |
• Evacuation (Annex J), County Sheriff, Municipal Police
Verify evacuation routes and implement evacuations plans. |
Identify affected facilities or individuals with special needs (nursing homes, invalids). |
Make arrangements to keep essential facilities operating. |
Maintain a continuous and orderly flow of traffic (breakdowns, rest areas, fuel, etc). |
Participate in tests, drills, and exercises. |
Update and change plans as required. |
Develop and maintain EPI materials for the public. |
•In-Place Shelter (Annex K), Emergency Management Coordinator
Advise the public on what protective actions to take. |
Identify warning procedures. |
Maintain emergency public information materials. |
Identify/Provide protective shelter for the population in situations for which such action is appropriate. Coordinate with Reception and Care, Annex L. |
Assist with the movement of people to shelters if necessary. |
Nuclear attack sheltering will require implementing special procedures (i.e., marking, stocking, and upgrading). |
Update and change plans as required. |
•Reception and Care (Annex L), American Red Cross
Review list of designated temporary lodging and feeding facilities. Contact owners/managers to insure availability. |
Review procedures for the management of reception and care activities (feeding, registration, lodging, etc.). |
Designate facilities for special needs groups. |
Maintain supply of registration forms. |
Coordinate mass feeding operations with Resource and Supply. |
Identify facilities for pet/animal shelters. |
Develop procedures to assist evacuees with medical problems. |
Participate in tests, drills, and exercises. |
Update and change plans as required. |
• Health and Medical (Annex M), County Public Health Office
Provide for public health services during an emergency. |
Coordinate plans with representatives of private health sector to include nearby hospitals, nursing homes, etc. |
Implement plans for mass inoculation. |
Review provisions for expanded mortuary services. |
Develop procedures to augment regular medical staff. |
Develop plans to provide medical care in shelters. |
Participate in tests, drills, and exercises. |
Revise and update plans as required. |
•Terrorism WMD (Annex N), Sheriff/ Municipal Police, Fire Departments, County Public Health Office, Ambulance Districts
Protect the lives and safety of the citizens and first responders. |
Isolate, contain, and/or limit the spread of any cyber, nuclear, biological, chemical, incendiary, or explosive device. |
Identify the type of agent or devices used. |
Identify and establish control zones for suspected agent used. |
Identify appropriate decontamination procedure and/or treatment. |
Ensure that responders have appropriate equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE). |
Notify emergency personnel, including medical facilities of the danger and anticipated casualties. |
Notify appropriate state and Federal agencies. |
Provide accurate and timely public information. |
Preserve as much evidence as possible to aid investigations. |
Protect critical infrastructure. |