Table of Contents


Biological Agents - Living organisms or materials derived from them that cause disease; harm humans, animals, or plants; or deteriorate materials.

CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive).

Chemical Agent - A chemical substance intended to kill, seriously injure, or incapacitate people through physiological effects. 

CHEMNET - A mutual aid network of chemical shippers and contractors.

CHEMTREC (Chemical Transportation Emergency Center).

Contingency - For more effective planning, a construct that groups similar hazards and activities related to possible incidents.

Cyber Terrorism - Malicious conduct in cyberspace to commit or threaten to commit acts dangerous to human life, or against a nation's critical infrastructures in order to intimidate or coerce a government or civilian population in furtherance of political or social objectives.

Disaster - For the purpose of the plan, a disaster can be described as any type situation that endangers life and property to a degree that a concentrated effort of emergency services be coordinated on a large scale to contain the situation. Examples would be tornados, floods, explosions, earthquakes, or large scale civil disobedience.

EAS (Emergency Alert System) - A communication and warning system set by the federal government in order for emergency messages to be broadcast via radio and TV stations.

EOC (Emergency Operations Center) - A centralized location where direction and control, information collection is evaluated and displayed, where coordination among response agencies takes place, and resources managed.

EOP (Emergency Operations Plan).

EPI (Emergency Public Information).

Exercise - An activity designed to promote emergency preparedness; test or evaluate emergency operations plans, procedures or facilities; train personnel in emergency response duties, and demonstrate operational capability. There are three specific types of exercises: Tabletop, Functional, and Full Scale.

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) - An agency established in 1979 which consolidated emergency agencies and functions into one organization.

FAD (Foreign Animal Disease).

FRP (Federal Response Plan).

Functional Area - A major grouping of functions and tasks that agencies perform to carry out awareness, prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery activities.

Hazard Analysis - The process of identifying the potential hazards that could affect the jurisdiction and determine the probable impact each of these hazards could have on people and property.

Hazardous Substance - Any substance or mixture of substances that presents a danger to public health, public safety, or the environment.

HAZMAT (Hazardous Material).

Incident - An occurrence in which hazards or threats result in a harmful, dangerous, or otherwise unwanted outcome.

LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committee).

Local Government - A county, municipality, city, town, township, local public authority, school district, special district, intrastate district, council of governments, regional or interstate government entity, or agency or instrumentality of a local jurisdiction. This term also applies to an Indian tribe or authorized tribal organization, or in Alaska a Native village or Alaska Regional Native Corporation. It also applies to a rural community, unincorporated town or village, or other public entity. (As defined in Section 2 (10) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, Pub. L. 107-296, 116 Stat. 2135, et seq. (2002).).

MFDA (Missouri Funeral Directors Association).

MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet).

MULES (Missouri Uniform Law Enforcement System).

NACA (National Agricultural Chemicals Association).

NAWAS (National Warning System).

PIO (Public Information Officer).

Radiation, Nuclear - High-energy particles or gamma rays emitted by an atom undergoing radioactive decay. Emitted particles can be charged alpha or beta particles, or neutral neutrons.

Safeguarding Vital Records - Measures by government that protect vital records the government must have to continue functioning during emergency conditions and to protect the rights and interests of citizens during and after the emergency.

SEMA (State Emergency Management Agency) - Prepares and maintains state emergency operations plan, the state EOC and assists local government in developing and maintenance of their operations plans and centers.  It is also responsible for radiological support, damage assessment and emergency public information.

SOG (Standard Operating Guidelines) - A ready and continuous reference to those procedures which are unique to a situation and which are used for accomplishing specialized functions.

Succession - The process established to list the order, line, or interim personnel entitled to succeed one another under emergency conditions.

Terrorism - The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.

Threat - An indication of possible violence, harm, or danger.

WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction).

Table of Contents