Table of Contents

Officials of Saline County and the cities of Saline County, in conjunction with the State Emergency Management Agency, have developed an emergency operations plan that will enhance their emergency response capability. This document is the result of that effort.

It is designed to promote the coordination of statewide emergency services and the use of available resources to minimize the effects of a major disaster (natural or otherwise) on life and property of the citizens of Missouri. It also incorporates the principles and processes of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System (ICS).

This plan, when used properly and updated annually, can assist local government officials in responding to and recovering from the effects of natural and man-made disasters. This plan and its provisions will become official when it has been signed and dated below by the concurring government officials.

All signatures are held on file, the following officials signed the document


Name and Position


Kyle Guthrey

Presiding Commissioner, Saline County


Charles Guthrie

Commissioner Northern District, Saline County


Monte Fenner

Commissioner Southern District, Saline County


Emmit Williams

Saline County Emergency Management Director


Kirby McCullough

Arrow Rock Mayor


Karlin M Breshears

Blackburn Mayor


Randal Bredhoeft

Emma Mayor


Mindee Grimes

Gilliam Mayor


Beverly S Richtermeyer

Grand Pass Mayor


Scott Moore

Malta Bend Mayor


Mark Gooden

Marshall Mayor


John Bakert

Miami Mayor


Diana Edde

Mount Leonard Mayor


Gale Cornine

Nelson Mayor


Stephen K Allegri

Slater Mayor


Darlene A Friel

Sweet Springs Mayor