"Providing Hometown Reliability"
The Miami Substation has two 25 MVA transformers that convert our electricity from 161,000 volts to 13,200 volts. This substation has 8 breakers; 8 MW (400 amps) each. Two breakers are feeders for Units #10 and #11. Miami Substation has a tie to the North Street Substation and a tie to the West Substation. The Miami Substation is located on Miami Street near the Power Plant.
The West Substation has a 25 MVA transformer that converts our electricity from 161,000 volts to 13,200 volts. It has 6 breakers; each breaker has 8 MW (400 amp) capacity.
This substation has a 25 MVA transformer that converts our electricity from 161,000 to 13,200 volts, and has 5 breakers-8 MW (400 amps) each.
The North Street Substation has ten 6 MW (300 amp) breakers. Two 4160/13.2 transformers in the North Street Substation have a combined 10 MW (500 amp) capacity.
MMU also has three smaller substations located throughout Marshall. These are the A Substation on the 900 block of West College, the B Substation at the corner of South Lincoln and East Vest, and the C Substation on North Brunswick and East State Street.