Table of Contents


In order to deal with the many types of disasters that could affect Saline County, local resources must be utilized in a timely manner. This annex was designed to give local officials the ability (1) to maintain a continuous inventory of these resources and (2) to allocate these resources in a prompt and orderly manner.




          As this annex is designed to provide for the management of resources in Saline County, a priority should be given to those resources which could be used to combat the hazards identified in the Basic Plan, under Situation and Assumptions.


          Procedures will be set up to request assistance both within the county and from outside.


          A system must be set up to insure an adequate inventory of response resources is available.


          The local Resource and Supply function will have to anticipate resource needs for all types of hazards and provide the coordination necessary for the proper allocation of these resources.


          Local resources will have to be used first before outside assistance is requested.



          During an emergency of a disaster magnitude, persons who own or control private resources will be asked to cooperate.


          Funds to provide payment for the use of private resources will be available either from local government or, if the disaster is severe enough, from the federal government.


          Saline County officials will not request outside assistance until all local resources have been exhausted (including mutual aid agreements).


          If the emergency response period lasts more than 24 hours, outside assistance will probably be required.


          During a disaster, normal supply requisition procedures wi11 be suspended.


          Following an emergency of this magnitude, private resources will be available that have not been included on the resource lists (especially manpower).




          The first resources to be identified will be those that are under the control of or are readily available to local government.


          It is the responsibility of local government to mobilize these resources as necessary to relieve suffering and to protect lives and property.


          All local resources must be committed before assistance is requested from neighboring jurisdictions or upper levels of government.


          Points of arrival (PDAs) and mobilization centers will be established for receiving and distributing resources and supplies.


          Records of outside resources (either from mutual aid agreements or donations) received will be kept, as well as a log of those resources actually used in the disaster.

Actions to be Taken by Emergency Operating Time Frames



          Review those hazards that threaten Saline County (See the Basic Plan, Situation and Assumptions) to determine what types of resources would be necessary to deal with them.


          Locate the required resources in the community.


          Maintain/Develop agreements of understanding with the private sector organizations which have the required resources to include points of contact.


          Identify those required resources that are not available locally and find their nearest location.


          Develop procedures that can circumvent normal procurement procedures during an emergency period.


          Participate in exercises and drills to train personnel in the proper allocation of resources to include procedural arrangements.


          Maintain an inventory system to track supplies used in a disaster and develop a form to document the expenses.


          Develop procedures for the management of donated goods.



          Analyze potential of the emergency situation to what types of resources would be needed.


          Check on the availability of needed resources making lists of those available and unavailable.


          Contact private sector organizations and neighboring jurisdictions to indicate the possible need for assistance.


          Coordinate activities with other response agencies (i.e., Red Cross, Salvation Army, etc,) to insure a coordinated and efficient allocation.


          Report on status and actions taken by the EOC staff.



          After activating resource and supply personnel, work with the EOC staff to establish priorities and allocate resources.


          If necessary, establish staging areas from which resources can be distributed to:

Emergency response teams

Disaster victims


          Assist in developing lists of outside resources that are required.


          Coordinate with the county PIO in informing the public of the location of available assistance.


          Coordinate resource requirements and requests of other response agencies.


          Maintain records of services rendered and of resources utilized.



          Review damage assessments and make an estimate of resources needed for recovery.


          Total resource requests of other local government agencies.


          Assess the impact of the disaster on the community.


          Identify unused resources in the community.


          Total costs of utilized resources.


          Participate in after-action reports and critiques.


          Set up staging areas to receive and distribute recovery resources.


          Perform other duties as required until the situation returns to normal.


Organizational Chart

The organizational chart for the Resource and Supply function is shown in Appendix 1 to this Annex.

Assignment of Responsibilities


          The coordinator of the Resource and Supply function for Saline County will be the County Commission. Resource and Supply for each municipality will be the responsibility of the City Clerk (or as designated by the chief elected official/Emergency Management Coordinator).


          The Resource and Supply Coordinator will also be responsible for the supply areas that follow. These tasks can be delegated to a deputy coordinator(s):

Food: procurement, storage and equitable distribution of food supplies as required by the situation.

Sustenance Supplies: procurement, storage, (except food) and equitable distribution of water, clothing, sanitary supplies, bedding, etc.

Fuel and Energy: procurement, storage, and equitable distribution of fuel products.


          Transportation: coordination and use of all modes of transportation utilized in the county to support emergency operations.


          Construction equipment and supplies:  procurement, storage, and distribution of construction supplies.


          Manpower: ascertain and utilize those personnel who are available in the county and to determine, obtain, and equally apportion the personnel manpower needs.


          Shelter: locating available shelter and opening these shelters for use by the Reception and Care section.



          All Resource and Supply operations will be controlled from the EOC to insure official concurrence for actions taken.


          Subordinates of the Resource and Supply staff may operate from daily offices, but all decisions will come from the EOC.


          Should the EOC be forced to relocate, all Resource and Supply personnel will move also.


Line of succession for the Saline County Resource and Supply Coordinator will be from the Presiding Commissioner through the District Commissioners as explained in the Basic Plan, Section VI. See each municipal plan/SOP for their line of succession.

Vital Documents


          Records of purchases will be duplicated when possible.


          Transfer of these documents will occur by direction of the EOC.




          When normal purchasing procedures are bypassed, official approval must be given by the chief elected official present in the EOC.


          All such purchases must be kept in accordance with state law and local ordinances.



          Manpower - County and/or City personnel will be the first pressed into service. Missouri National Guard personnel must be requested by the chief elected official (i.e., Presiding Commissioner, Mayor) from the Governor.


          Communications will be the responsibility of the local law enforcement agencies.


          Transportation of supplies will be accomplished by:

The requesting agency

County and/or City government resources (i.e. Public Works)

Private transport (hired or volunteer)



          After initial compilation of the resource lists, they will be updated and maintained by the Saline County Emergency Management Coordinator.


          All updates and revisions of this annex will be completed with assistance from the Resource and Supply Coordinator(s) as instigated by the Emergency Management Coordinator.


Appendix 1 - Resource and Supply Organizational Chart

Appendix 2 - Resource Lists

Appendix 3 - Aviation Support - Narrative

Attachment A - Aviation Support Contacts

Table of Contents